
Glenn –

Last fall, Glenn Stevenson found himself in a desperate situation. He had lost his job several months prior, and unable to find new employment, Glenn soon lost his home as well. For two months, Glenn lived on the streets and searched for jobs in his hometown of St. Louis, until eventually deciding that he needed to look for opportunities in another city. He connected with a friend in Atlanta and spent the last bit of money he had on a bus ticket, only to be shut out by that friend upon his arrival. Homeless, jobless, and without a single contact in the city, Glenn sought help at a local men’s shelter. It was the job attainment program at The Shepherd’s Inn that connected him to ACSS.

Glenn enrolled in ACSS CareerWorks program at the beginning of 2014. Not only did ACSS give Glenn the tools he needed to be successful in his job search, it connected him to a city in which he had recently felt like a stranger. Glenn attended ACSS annual job fair in February, and was hired by Aramark as a floor tech at Grady Hospital. With two months on the job under his belt, Glenn is now saving money to get a place of his own.