
Dwight –
Dwight had a successful Army career. He served as Sergeant of the Guard in Frankfurt, Germany and was recognized as NCO of the Month for three consecutive months. Dwight left the military and supported his family as an entrepreneur. Then, life happened. His wife of 27 years died of cancer, shortly thereafter his mother died, and while trying to process his grief, Dwight suffered a stroke. Dwight found himself alone and homeless. In early 2018, he was referred to ACSS by Hope Atlanta and the Atlanta Mission.

Dwight participated in CareerWorks and the Veterans Employment Assistance Program in May 2018. While in the program, Dwight was able to purchase tools to re-establish his carpentry repair business. He also found employment with Atlanta VA Medical Center in distribution. Dwight credits ACSS with teaching him how to set goals for himself and how to develop financial discipline. He is learning, day by day, how to think positively about his life and how to surround himself with positive people. He is hopeful about his future.

“ACSS taught me about being prepared. We deny ourselves opportunities when we are not prepared. While at ACSS I was challenged to think about what got me to the point of homelessness and how to move forward to create a different story.”